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Configuring Internet Explorer browser settings for use with the Dodge Data & Analytics products
Internet Explorer browser settings

To run the Dodge Data & Analytics products with the best results, you must disable all pop-up blockers as well as configure Internet Explorer settings outlined in this document.  In some cases these changes may require Administrator permissions to access some settings.  If an option is not available, please contact your System Administrator or Information Technology (IT) department.

Modify Internet Explorer Internet Options

Launch Internet Explorer and select Tools | Internet Options (depending on your version of Internet Explorer, your menu will look like one of the two screen shots below)

Note: If Internet Explorer is not displaying the traditional menu bar, press ALT + T to access the Tools menu.




Select the Security Tab, then click “Trusted sites” and click the “Sites” button



Ensure “Require server verification” is NOT checked.  (It is checked by default and you will likely need to deselect it.)

Type  *  in the “Add this website to the zone” field

Click the “Add” button

Click the “Close” button


Windows 8 users please note: in order to use our websites on this platform, you must run Internet Explorer from the desktop (not the “tile” screen.)  For your convenience, you can make the change below which will always run the desktop version of Internet Explorer, even when launching it from the “tile” Screen.

Click on the Programs tab

Ensure “Open Internet Explorer tiles on the desktop” is checked



Adjust Compatibility View settings

Launch Internet Explorer and select Tools | Compatibility View settings

Note: If Internet Explorer is not displaying the traditional menu bar, press ALT + T to access the Tools menu.


Type  in the “Add this website” field

Click the “Add” button

Click the “Close” button to save these changes


Congratulations! Your computer is now configured to allow you to take full advantage of the extensive flexibility and numerous customizable features that are available with the Dodge Data & Analytics products.